Greenhouse and irrigation solution in Kenya !
How to know you are ready for a greenhouse in Kenya

How to know you are ready for a greenhouse in Kenya

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How to know you are ready for a greenhouse in Kenya
Wooden greenhouse in Gamboge

How to know you are ready for a greenhouse in Kenya.


You need to have a farm to do your greenhouse and any farming in Kenya. You can acquire land through buying or leasing.
The land must have good soil and a good gradient to allow smooth flow or drainage of rainwater.

If the land is rocky we advise clients to import soil.


Good farming requires clean and adequate water that is reliable during the growth of the plants to harvesting.

Good water must also be with the right pH for greenhouse plants to thrive however, in cases where the water is alkaline or acidic, we advise the farmers on the way to improve to allow a good environment for greenhouse vegetables to grow.


Security of the farm is important to protect the greenhouse and other farm properties through damage caused by animals like cows and theft.

Greenhouse farmers are advised to have a fence around the greenhouse to keep it safe from human and animal damage.

The greenhouse also can be built in the compound where people live this ensures security and also allow access easily.


Greenhouse tomato varieties in the Kenyan market are bred to have a long shelf life after harvesting and are also vigorous in growth.

Tomatoes can take up to 21 days from breaker before they go bad. This gives the farmer ample time to look for the market.

The quality and enhanced taste of greenhouse-grown vegetables give a farmer's good edge in a competitive advantage over open-field farms.

What affects the market for greenhouse vegetables is pricing due to the influx of open-grown vegetables in the same market.

Organized market like supermarket and institution gives a steady price despite the influx in prices.


Weather conditions affect the type of greenhouse installed in Kenya. In cold areas like the larger central province and Rift Valley, we do greenhouses with limited ventilation. In hot climates, we increase ventilation and construct tall greenhouses to aid ventilation.

Our greenhouse is strong and can withstand wind speeds of up to 120 km/hour. We always consider wind and sun to guide us in Greenhouse orientation in Kenya.


a farmer should ensure he has a farmhand who will take care of the plants and water in the greenhouse.
However apart from watering the farmhand does greenhouse preparation like digging, and adding manure and in case of sterilization, he needs to do the bagging and changing of the soil in the bags.
  In the other activities once trained he should know to spray and mix the chemicals in the right quantity or ratio. The chemicals are insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, and hormones.

As one of the greenhouse companies in Kenya, we ensure quality in training we also give a guidance manual or handbook for vegetable production.


Good agronomy advice on the use of quality manure for our farms states that the best manure for greenhouse farming is goat manure, cow dung, and well-decomposed chicken manure. Greenhouse farming when adding the above manure they improve the fertility content of the soil through the injection of nitrogen and other trace elements like magnesium that are good for plant growth.

Nitrogen is good for promoting vegetative parts and increasing growth vigor, it is advised to have quality manure in the greenhouse to promote the growth of strong plants.

Get quality advice from hortitechno produce and Services on how to achieve the right yields. Greenhouse and Irrigation Solutions for Kenya

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